The Importance of Regular Well Checkups

So-called well checkups, well-child checkups, or well-baby checkups when they're much younger, are essential to keeping your children healthy. Learn more about the importance of these visits by talking to your Rockville, MD, pediatrician, Dr. Vahid Khajoee of A Plus Pediatrics.

Growth and Development

Many experts recommend that you begin your search for a pediatrician months before your child is even born. One of the important reasons for this is so they can closely track your child's progress as they get older. During these visits, their doctor performs a physical examination to monitor your child's growth as well as their developmental milestones.

Early Detection

Well checkups also serve to help detect any health issues as early as possible. As with any health problem, early detection typically translates into earlier and usually more effective treatment.


In many cases, with preventive care through regular well checkups, which include immunizations, many of these potential health problems and illnesses can be prevented.

Their pediatrician can also provide screenings for hearing, vision, and other issues, then refer your child to other health professionals for further treatment if necessary.

Questions and Concerns

Your pediatrician is an excellent source of information and will typically provide advice during a well checkup, but these aren't one-sided meetings.

Make sure to bring your questions and concerns to every appointment, as it's you who is most likely to first notice any issues at home.

Establish a History

With every checkup, there is a pattern that is built and a medical history that can be referenced in case of any potential issues in the future, even into adulthood.

Pediatrician in Rockville, MD

There are many important reasons for keeping up with your child's well checkups, from prevention to education, and to make sure they stay healthy.

Schedule your child's well checkup with your Rockville, MD, pediatrician, Dr. Khajoee of A Plus Pediatrics, by dialing (301) 284-1234.

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A Plus Pediatrics LLC


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